
Dwellers from Iain M. Banks The Algebraist: Gas giant species, civilized for millions of years. Their culture somehow comes off as being like the Community episode "App Development and Condiments" but somehow nobody gives a fuck anyway. They make The Algebraist far and away the funniest Banks book.

It's not just that teenagers "don't want to" get up. It's that the research has consistently proven that later school start times are connected to better behavior and mental health, and sometimes better academic performance. So we shouldn't do something that is obviously more healthy for kids (and society, if you

Teacher here—-a thousand times yes to this! Teenagers aren't lazy—they have different circadian rhythms. Frankly, it's amazing to me how many do okay 1st period when they are fighting to bring their systems online.

More suggestions. . .

As someone who works for the government of the least populous state in the union, I find your idea that governments of smaller states are less corrupt and more prone to listening to the population and less to corporate interests to be laughable.

From this:

dude, the article is literally parts of the Bible.

Brightened my week


Cheerios have a long standing history of being an interracial cereal

Also: Green Lantern's voice is terrrrrible.

You're welcome, Darth Snarkbot.

If you were dating and he said he wanted to downgrade to friendship status, that is not the same as being "friend-zoned." Being friend-zoned is when (in the victimized mind of the person using the term) the guy (it's usually a guy) wants to date the girl, but instead of asking her out he tries to be her friend. Then