
I really wish the joke options were not a part of the poll. Much love for Mr. Tyson and cynical jokes, but it makes the poll itself pointless. Because Internet polls are so important.

I always understood the Borg Queen's intentions with Data in First Contact to be gaining access to the encryption codes for the Enterprise's control systems. If the Queen had not been used again in Voyager, she could have just been seen as a gambit to manipulate Data.

I love playing that game. So much fun watching my high school students bicker as they die.

Charlie, why must you remind me of the Green Lantern movie? Hal Jordan was the reason for me returning to comics. I'm so glad I managed a low expectation going in. I was able to get to step 5 before the movie was over. So much disappointment in the writers. Charlie, can you please write the next one? Do it for the

Enemy Mine, much love.

Is there a calendar of these events for 2013? I just booked up my Sat evening with friends yesterday. I would have skipped out for The Doctor and io9.

Via Terry Pratchett? If so, high five.

I see what you did there. Lolz

Might not be exactly what you're looking for but it is tons of fun.

With video games or even sports, I just want a close hard fought match.


Good point. Now I'll be disappointed if they don't. Indentured servitude at the least.

Reboot ended one of it's seasons with a hilarious number 7. All the main characters watch an operatic recap of the entire season.

That's stupid.

If the Pres or the Dept of Ed had anything to do with this, all the states would have the same standards. This is the result of individual states setting their own levels of scientific rigor for their standards. So this isn't the fault of Obama or Bush or Clinton. If anything, you can only blame current and past

That actually sounds kind of interesting. Play a character class that has no or very low combat skills and must rely on other talents to further their agenda.

Our loss of non-existent friendship saddens me to the point of breaking. But maybe, just maybe, since we been such good and long standing non-friends, I'll pick it up next time I'm in the book store.

Uh, who is Kvothe?

As a GL fan and middle/high school teacher, I know all about the John Stewart as THE Green Lantern misconception. It is fun, but rare to have the opportunity to give them more of the GL mythos and characters.

Uh, I don't think so. Gimping or Nerfing Superman would be something like Krytonite or Mister Mxyzptlk actually nerfing his abilities. None of the senarios that I set up have Supes being gimped. He's facing villains that can fight on his level and/or use his limitation against him. I too would not want to play a