
This is part of why I'm loving BF3 right now. While my K/D hovers around 0.8, I can have a game with a K/D even lower than that and still be the one of the top three players in the round. I can support my teammates. I can destroy enemy vehicles or repair my team's. I can capture a spawn point or blow up a M-COM

Well, that just made my week.

SF Bay Area too!

Yeah, getting that first unlock for the jet was a major pain. Died a lot before I got anything better than a kill assist with the jet. But I earned those IR flares and it made me respect an incoming missile. Plus it forced me to use the terrain to my advantage and hug the ground. I do like the fact that once both

OMG, I know. It's like you have to work for it or something.

No, he needs a crown.

It's an original story line. I think Kotaku had an article on the story some time in the last year.

Damn good point. While the premise allows for discussion of a better society, they need to deal with the fact that many of the pilgrims carry with them the same culture that doomed that future Earth.

Ah, old school Mage. I'd love to see the poor programmer asked to capture that beautifully ambiguous magic system. Good times. Akashic Brotherhood all the way.

How is it their fault?

Not a bad idea at all.


That was a good book and the most depressing thing I've read in years.

I was tempted the other night to send Rosetta Stone an email asking them to allow gamification of their language software. Cause I'm lazy and I rarely practice my Japanese. If on the other hand, completing lesson and quizzes up'd my X-box Live gamer score or posted an achievement update to Facebook, I'd probably be

Takes too long in meat space.

Someone please build BoomingEchoes a time machine so they can pitch that movie idea for the first one. Please.

Super 8 was the most fun at had the movies in the last few years. Don't pass up on it.

I saw it in plain old 2D. Made no difference to the writing. The movie wasn't so bad that it was good. It clearly wasn't good. It was just...meh. It never made me care.


I waited weeks for that VHS. I was maybe ten at the time, so anything long than a week was forever. Oh my god, was I disappointed when I popped than in the VCR and hit play.