Tommáso della Servo

But that would be too much flashback for the movie. It would’ve been cool to see, but the movie overall still works great for me.

That really tells you all you need to know, IMO....

I’m loading up my Palpatine filter to apply to that face.... ehh.. doesn’t need it.

If I believe something is suspicious and I call 911, it doesn’t matter how stupid my belief was, it’s not a false report. Now if I call and say I saw someone do a thing that they didn’t, that would actually be a false report.

Papa John’s? More like Papa Gonez, amirite??

Luke spends the whole movie looking like he hasn’t slept. What the hell else is there to do on that island?

The Cat From Outer Space? Ken Berry was great! Though I don’t think I’ve seen that movie since it’s first run.

Agreed. I’m guessing that was supposed to make the:

I was 8, and I saw it 12 times in the theater (over the years—probably 7 or 8 during the initial run).

Meanwhile, when Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy approach Richard Linklater and say “My character wouldn’t say this,” he replies “Alright, what do you think they would say?”

Rose basically catches someone she idolizes selfishly deserting (and she’s right on the money with that assessment).

That link led me down a rabbit hole of laughing-my-ass-off goodness!

Ooh subtle AD reference. Love it.

The problem with that is all the people that voted against it because they knew better get hosed too.

The idea is that Jeter couldn’t finance the team but Manfred helped rearrange the deck chairs to effectively usher in Jeter plus other people that couldn’t afford the team into a position of ownership anyway, at a price that Manfred (plus owners?) wanted to see happen in order to increase the value of every other MLB

The problem is that Simmons got suspended, not that LeBatard hasn’t.

Additional context:

IRL? What are you, insane? I’m curious as to the 10 minutes, though.

He has one magic power and that is shrinking.

Donder Dilly-Dallies During Deer Dander Destruction.