Ol' Auntie Em

I'm an Emma. I also have a very common last name. At one point I was the fifth registered person with both my first and last names at my university (in New Zealand, which isn't all that populous). It's kind of a blessing, because I am utterly unfindable on Google, due to other much more famous name-sharers, but it's a

I no shit IRL use my heart and star shaped trays from ikea and dump all the hearts and stars in a big Tupperware so I can have lots of fancy ice when friends come round. I'm not sure what this says about me.

I think they prefer to fly.

I think they prefer to fly.

I'm not a fancy house or a lake, I'm a person. And that's kinda the whole point of that post.

When people say things like "your great worth/value", I feel like some sort of comic book figurine - of greater value in original packaging. I think I'd rather be the loved and oft-played-with inanimate best friend, with a dollar value approaching zero than a pristine commodity.

Avoid boob blunders by coating yourself in resin and never moving!

It's fucktards like these that made it next to impossible to rent a place when I was a 20-something professional. But I acted like a 20-something professional and not a drunken raccoon.

But you don't get to be a destructive asshole and wreck someone's shit just cause they're rich and you're rich. Manners apply to all social statuses. I don't think it particularly matters how these idiots came by their money, basic respect is for everyone and they didn't display it, then had the gall to say "well you

Good, I've always hated breakfast. I dread it when people want to go out for breakfast as a social activity. Everything gives me the squits until I've been up for a few hours. Always has, and believe me, I've tried a lot of different things for breakfast over the years.

Reminds me of this bit from the Franz Ferdinand song 'dark of the matinee'...

I'm married to a hater, and I find his constant harping on the negative exhausting. I guess I'm kinda crap at being a hater .don't get me wrong, there is stuff I am not down with, but I've spent the last 15 years working on not hating myself, so unhating is a habit and dealing haters feels like the same hard slog.

Anything with a can of cream of mushroom soup in it. Maybe some of those French fried onions in a can on top.

Maybe if you've got white people hair that you're trying to force into a thing it's not really suited for. Kinky hair dreads up well when it's clean.

He has chefs in his lineage. CHEFS. Also you might wanna skip the dessert.

That's okay, pet. All of my partners thought and think I'm something special and I give much more of a fuck about their opinions than I do yours.

It always amuses me when libertarians are like "I don't need anybody I'm independent as shit" and then proceed to bang on about how the world owes them sex, status and a good job. It's adorable, but in a definitely-unfuckable way.

I chortled at that.

Oooh, I like that neckline. That'd look fab on me, and if my husband gets one I am going to nick it.

I am still sometimes suicidal myself. You know what my most triggering educational experience was? An assignment in third year university developmental psychology. We were to write about our happiest childhood memories. I dropped out, cause I couldn't think of any.