
Mmm, belt buckle...

As if! Wrong iconic girls movie!!!

Boxer briefs, though. I mean damn.

My belly dance teacher is a gorgeous, talented, bright, sweet young woman. She has a great job. She is a fantastically talented dancer. And she was complaining that she just finds it completely impossible to find men to date- she goes out with someone once or twice, and they vanish. Now, I've been out with her

Ugh, this is perfection. Exactly what I needed to hear today.

You rock! Turned 30 a few months ago and the main loves of my life are books and pets. Suck it, expectations. My sister is just married and pregnant at 37, Mom had me when she was 38. Both have told me not to worry about anything but being happy.

I'm 32 and fucking love it. I was one of those 13-year-olds who was ready to wake up one day being 30. My teen years were shit. My 20s had their moments, but it's really been from about 28-on that things have started to pick up. I was boring when I was supposed to be carefree and crazy, and now that I'm supposed to

I wish I'd had the knowledge and confidence to not listen to those messages when I was younger.

Am I the only one who thinks literally everyone they know is hotter now (early 30s) than they were in their 20s? I certainly am. By miles. You couldn't pay me to go back to the awkward desperation of my 20s. Helllllll.no.

Wait until your 40s, they're kind of awesome. I want to write a parody Dr. Seuss about it called, "Oh! All The Fucks You Won't Give!"

Emma Thompson, please.

You read my mind! I was thinking she could portray a different character for every award. Just imagine Julia Child presenting the award for Best Adapted Screenplay, for instance.

Host: Meryl Streep

Actually, can we just go through Scorsese's collection and remake them all with women?

Ginger gender-flipped Matthew McConaughey is the hero we need AND deserve.

I absolutely love the idea, but dislike the execution. It's still amusing, though.

Also, a little bit of fake-it-til-you-make-it isn't as bad as it sounds when it comes to sex. As Frank Kermit mentions, "If you want to protect the monogamy of your relationship, make the effort to sexually satisfy your partner, or risk pushing your partner away."

You don't know how to play this game. Sit down.

Four strangers, picked to live in a house...

I think the real question is why he insists on that awful facial hair.