
I would just wiki it if you want to get an intro. Basically, when a female may have sperm from more than one female in her reproductive tract, and when this is a common thing, a species will adapt for competition among the sperm of the males. This can take several shapes — dragonflies will thoroughly clean out the

Your boyfriend is a keeper. Remember to take photos. For . . . science.

This. Make it happen, TED people.

Idris has responded!! He's not sorry!!!

OH, Fashion Industry. Can we just have an assortment of waist lengths? Please?! Some ladies rock a high waist, some rock a low, some rock a mid. It's like Goldie and the three bears in the fitting room. I'm tired of Fashion Trend! It just means it'll be that much harder to get your hands on a style and fit that looks

I know all the words you are using, but the way you are stringing them together makes no sense...

It's possible your husband is my boyfriend. I lust for Idris, he lusts for Christina, and we settle for each other.

Female Rebuttal, for my husband...

The other posts are nice though. Mix that honey and various oils Young Raymond Tusk! You're a champion!

Pff. More like "When it's cold who refuses to let you touch the thermostat because of a silent fight twixt man and energy company? Me. When you're hungry who gives you a blank look until you start making canned soup out of frustration and then lamely offers to get carryout while said soup is halfway cooked? I do.

We're all sorry you're not all Idris Elba too, dudes. We are very sorry about that too.

Here's the thing, gentlemen. Idris Elba doesn't have to do ANY of that, and he is still the most deisrable ever. Beucase he is Idris Elba. So keep on grabbing tampons and finding cell phones, because that is what you have to do to make up for the fact that you aren't Idris Elba.

Damn. I know it's a joke but these dudes sound kind of threatened by the agency of the female imagination.

Excellent use of luxurious.

Young Raymond Tusk is a keeper.

Can Idris Elba get a TedTalk so he can teach these men HOW to be Idris Elba.


Idris Elba didn't make the best beef-and-bison chili you've ever had for dinner, I — wait. Idris, what are you doing in my girlfriend's kitchen wearing nothing but an apron and a smile? THAT IS NOT COOL, MA— uh, yes. Yes, I would like a beer. Wow, yeah, Dogfish Head Midas Touch is some really great stuff, thanks.

<3 Lindy <3

She's stealing mine and Monsieur's book idea—Everything is a Competition and Sex is a Commodity: LaComtesse and Monsieur's Guide to Healthy Relationships