
Go to webuyblack.com and tell the majority of stuff their isn’t “black stuff” . Also when was the last time you bought something from a black owned place ? Bet you aren’t even going to exclusively buy black this Xmas.

“little research if you’re dedicated to buying black” sounds like a chore

You have not done anything that we’d label assault ? Yea ok . You’ve never jokingly groped a man felt his muscles without asking him first ? See the exercise you have to do is look back on life on the things you believed to be consensual and ask yourself , were they really consensual . If you’re thinking I think

Nah 100% of people have done something in their lives that we would now label sexual assault or harassment . I’m going out of my way to defend a alleged/probable piece of shit. Love how you said alleged and probable , do you have doubts? Yes? Ok me too . You’re willing to codemn him just to be safe and I don’t think

“Idon’t give a shit “ comment was saidby a black woman

Are you using hyperbole when you say everyone does it ? Because every”group” doesn’t only we do this type shit

She’s not calling someone a nigga in the song as if she’s using it as an insult , she is using the word nigga to mean a man. You know the difference between nigger-racist term for black people and nigga- a man of any race

Ok but gay people don’t use faggot as frequently. Gay people have straight up declared the word offensive for anyone to use , obviously less offensive when a gay person uses it but still offensive .

Because context matters , saying it to you vs singing along to a song are two completely different situation

No you’re being hypocritical and sensitive .

I guarantee you say the word when you’re alone

Gay people aren’t making extremely catchy songs where those words are used frequently

Is it that we want a petty sense of power over white people or is that we’re genuinely offended when white sing along ?

Yes I dismissed it when nothing came of it. Compare this to the Chris Brown situation. What happened to him? He got fucking sentenced. Depps bodyguards aren’t even the only ones that support drops side , now you can dismiss their testimony by saying “oh but theyre probably just fans of depp” or the cops that were at

Ok if me speaking on it objectively is why DV is a silent killer then so be it . The way you speak on it makes an investigation of any kind pointless , if we’re to just side with the accuser then whats the point , you’ve already dismissed eye witness testimony and are only going off of what’s accused ,glad you aren’t

I love how she named all those companies without having a clue

Yes I know and I’m saying that’s wrong . That thinking is illogical .

Right ok disbelieve the bodyguard who was there and what? Sat back and let Depp hit her? I think it’s more likely that had the bodyguard seen Heard in danger he would’ve stepped in . but in your world the bodyguard was present saw the whole thing go down saw Depp hit Amber and not only did he not help Amber but he

Look the only thing I believe heard is lying about is him being physically abusive towards her, witness testimony from the body guards that were there say the complete opposite of what she says . Whether they argued and he got loud is a different story . Should he be fired because he’s gotten loud with heard? I don’t

You think DV only works one way . You laugh at the bodyguards testimony only because he is a man , so you’ve already ruled out men. You’re left with beards testimony and that’s it . But to you that’s enough