Depends on where you live. I just started getting into it a few months ago, and I usually go to my local hobby shop just because it’s around the corner... but they’re marked up a few bucks. I’ve gotten a few from Amazon that weren’t bad either.
Depends on where you live. I just started getting into it a few months ago, and I usually go to my local hobby shop just because it’s around the corner... but they’re marked up a few bucks. I’ve gotten a few from Amazon that weren’t bad either.
There was definitely one occasion where I was playing with friends and we got to a “search for a point of interest” screen. It took us nearly an hour to find what we were supposed to be looking at and it was enough of a frustration to keep them from ever playing the game.
I definitely don’t think it’s as inherently awful as everyone makes it out to be. When it feels like a Metroid game, it’s actually pretty good. It just got boggled down by a convoluted story and those “search for the hidden point of interest” mini-games that took forever.
I got ambitious and bought a Pi with little to no knowledge of what I was doing; even followed that step-by-step guide. It was relatively easy for me to do, and I learned some things along the way. I sincerely doubt the general population would be willing to go through the hassle of setting up a Pi vs. NES mini. The…
I didn’t necessarily hate Other M, but I sure as hell didn’t like it. There were certainly parts I liked though, and I’m glad one of those (the physical combat) made it into this.
Excited? No, not really. But as someone who never really had/has the time to play a console RPG, I am looking forward to finally getting to enjoy Skyrim.
Whenever I would stream Destiny on Twitch, it was almost a requirement that I ended it with a dance party in the Tower. Never failed either.
Morphies Law was kind of a surprise hit for me. Quirky shooters are always my thing.
I think that’s what I have too. I’m gonna have to do some digging when I get home
Heeeey, that takes me back! I’ve got those books sitting around somewhere
I’d really rather not encourage scalper behavior in any way.
I think that’s what’s so irritating about all this— I’m an adult and I have some disposable income. I’d love to give Nintendo my money for cute novelty items, but they just consistently show that they don’t give a shit about their target consumers or keeping promises.
Neat! I’ve been wanting to play Oxenfree, but always played something else instead. Now I don’t have an excuse
Lighter fluid, huh? Interesting
I think this one I may leave as is, since the detailing is rather intricate already. Tristin definitely needs it to look a little better.
Yeah, I think after this, I might move up to something a little bigger. This will be a good model for my desk at work though
Damn, that is pretty awesome. As much as I wanted to throw money at a much more detailed and articulate model, I figured that had to be earned after learning what I should really be doing.