
I don't think anybody expect collegiate reality from a sitcom. If we did, we'd be wondering why Cindy's parents didn't apply for eviction assistance from the state.

Being not smart socially is not the same as being not smart academically.

…didn't Sue get all A's in school?

I think the convo with the professor was an attempt to show that the tree guy, who I hope gets a name, was a bit afraid to come to class out of some kind of social nervousness and not necessarily entirely political.

We are getting Earth 2 Laurel, over on the Flash.

Black Canary IS canon, but a few people have been Black Canary. Dinah Drake and Dinah (Laurel) Lance in the comics. Dinah Drake was Laurel's mom in the comics, might be interesting if her mom on the show became black canary.

On this site, in fact.


I think he would be disapointed in them, but I think he would've tried steering them towards better choices.

So I guess now Dick Wolf can add "Ripped From Ryan Murphy's Idea Journal" to his resume right under "Ripped From The Headlines"

That would explain why it's snowing in April.

Here's a weird coincidence: the woman who plays the jury foreman was in a movie with OJ Simpson and played his wife.


To be fair, the show is based on a few books, Toobin's is just the main one.

It was his great-grandparents, in fact. Sam and Harom Kardaschoff.

They got the ego and sense of entitlement from being around Caitlyn and Kris Jenner.

That's what I've always wondered. Did we actually believe he was innocent, or did we just need him to be?

I knew Aaron Simpson drowned, I had no idea about the reporter. Source on that?

A lot of DVRs cut it at 41:04 for some reason

I hope Murphy utilizes him in American Horror Story.