
Half her characters in American Horror Story smoke, so you might be set there.

Careful if you dvr'd this. Mine cut off at "what do we do now"

Apparently, she's MORE gorgeous.

It was indeed!

I think Walt was just the last straw on the camel's back.

He probably wouldn't go into hiding in the town he's lived in for years and make huge commercials.

You'd think so, yeah.

Well, exactly. So why even leave them with the fairies? If Belle's feeding them, leave them with her.

Sorry, that's 5x18.

He thought she was in Oz again, I assume the next step would've been going there.

I think that Hades meant "you'll regret this" as in "you'll regret this choice in not accepting love", not "I'm gonna get you". But we clearly were supposed to think he meant that until he met her again.

Well, I don't know if Myles did or not.

Especially considering his parents.

But the work HAS been on screen. Him pointing out that it exists doesn't mean that it suddenly stops being in the show. He HAS started drinking after most relationships, and the reason that its worse here is because it's something that keeps happening.

I have to disagree a little bit. Jeremy Allen White has also pointed this out, but they HAVE laid the groundwork for Lip's alcoholism. This happens EVERY time he breaks up with a girl, just about. It happened with Karen, that's for sure.

I don't know if it means anything, but JDM never played Sean, he played Charlie Peters who I believe is the actual OWNER of Patsy's. (Sean was the manager)

That always bugs me, since checks expire after 90 days. And auto-deposit exists.

That would be so interesting in season 2.

…okay, but there are still a lot of twins in his family.
