
edit: just checked, emt and firefighters are hired through the same process/department and: " Must pass background investigation."

There'd still be background checks though, wouldn't there?

it doesn't help that no one ever really says how old anyone is. But Carl was in juvie for a year, yeah? So at least THAT long has passed.

Scratch THAT. How did CALEB not know there'd be a background check? He works there, he's been through it!

I don't think Ian is 17. He WAS 17 2 seasons ago, but I'm pretty sure he's 18, 19 now.


Well, no. Because that was't the plot of Remington Steele.

he has?

Exactly. It's like he's written by someone else.

As someone who is bi, I certainly get that we need more characters to hold on to. I'm just not sure we should expect to have survivable characters on shows like the 100, that kills characters every week. Sometimes in groups of thirty.

Yeah, I didn't really get how bailey could become a board member if christina gifted it to alex either.

I love the subtle reminders that he raised his sister until he was in medical school without outright just going HEY REMEMBER ALEX RAISED HIS SISTER. THAT'S WHY HE CAN BRAID HAIR AND IS SENSITIVE ABOUT DANCES.

Right? Not only does she need to plan for the baby's life or possible death, but the doctors would NEED TO KNOW if they're delivering a baby with fragile bones. SO THEy DON'T BREAK THEM

All the trips. Every one of them.

That's what it sounded like! And now live lobsters.

there were so many bottles in his trailer, in his cupboards, in his freezer and /everywhere else/ I swear I thought it was a sitcom.

Awesome! Thanks!

What channel is that?

I think that was his lightning?

Starman, Elongated Man, Adam Foster (Cat Grant's son), Brian Savage, The Mist, Sue Dibney and the Opal City Corsairs.