
She's under age, they said, so I'm guessing between 17-19.

I assume it went exactly like it did with Eliza. Jay was trying to become faster. Did Velocity 6-9. Lost his mind like Eliza did, and developed a split like she did with Trajectory

Thank you! :)

No mention that Liv's undercover name is the name of the protaganist from the comics?

It really, really is.

How does Lucy Lane, who is in the military, not understand the importance of secret identities or undercover work?

Superman knew everything about Martian Manhunter, Hank had said. I assume he was keeping things to himself. Hank, I mean.

The fact that she's Silver Banshee in the comics?

I feel like I just read a chuck tingle novel.

In canada, where my cousins lived, they had supper if we ate before 5 and dinner if you ate it after 5.

No, more like "is now prevented". He wasn't until the new guild, when they were bolstering ranks and suddenly venture was a level 10.


The guild was already destroyed and turned into a shadow of it's former self. That's 1/3 the season plot.

They've said a lot that the finale wouldn't feel like a finale.

The chef's butt?

And…what, reanimated it?

Yeah, plus James Urbaniak has other jobs beyond the venture bros.

I'd love to know how he even came to the conclusion that's what Gary wanted.

That would be amazing.

I've found it can be regional as well. But either way, why would it be "bad"?