
Than…being from a region where they refer to dinner as supper?


I feel like I've been waiting DECADES for a 'childrens horsepital' pun.

Apparently it was really dirty and also made people dizzy?

Emily's Reasons Why Not got canned after one episode. Turn On was cancelled before it even finished airing the first episode.

I can actually answer that!

*tips my stetson*

Next season is apparently Katrina, which I guess means we're playing loose with the definition of 'crime'.

An ace can be either a one or an eleven. If you have a king and a ten and get an ace it gives you blackjack.

Nope. "“Intersex” is a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn't seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male."

Questioning and Intersex

They are making a sequel.

He was left out because the movie hadn't gotten to that part of the book yet. Carpathia doesn't even show up in the book til after they've landed the plane.

Actually, he never got around to doing any cheating but emotional cheating in any of the books or movies.

Just Katrina in general.

….no. It absolutely isn't. A set is something built. They film in a real town that exists.

Weirdly, next season is supposed to be Katrina. Which…seems a bit soon, and also odd.

I don't hate that idea.

Alibaba seems to have a ton of them for sale. Maybe they're the next hoverboard.