
I'm sure that they are. I'm saying he probably should pick a different role for his example.

Sean Connery is a box office draw.

Really. Why?

One of them is going to be amazingly sick.

Yeah, considering how hard her finger was bleeding, it wasn't that long at all.

Proably not.

….yes, but they generally land on the parts near land with people. And he's been looking for people.

If that is the role they auditioned for, yes. But he also never said that he's asked to do this for every role. He said he was asked to do it for this role. Of a person who lives in India.

They are if they're playing a German, Brit, Irish or Scottish person. Yes.

That was different. It was a white guy in brown-face. THAT is racist.

ok, but he'd be playing someone who ISN'T Indian-American. Just like if a British person plays someone from Florida, there's…accent work.

….but…if you're playing someone in India, wouldn't an Indian accent be neccesary? Like, if you were playing british or australian or american?

"Hot ham water"

They aren't in Tucson.

The logical way is that space escape pods make water landings, and they're near the ocean.

Escape pods and the like usually make water landings, and he's looking for signs of life, so one assumes he can actually pilot fhe pod. He'll probably be landing in Malibu.

Are theyGordon's, maybe? Or maybe theres an abandoned ren faire?

Apparently not.

To be fair, it's also a nicer house in terms of having lights, air conditioning and I assume plumbing.

Shouldn't they start like…farming? Or growing crops?