
I don't know, I believed it in the short flashback to when they were happy. I'm reserving judgement til the flashback ep we're sure to get.

But does he? How do we know that in this reality, Lancelot wasn't banished for trying to stop whatever he's up to.

Are we sure it's Arthur and not Mordred?

The weird shadow then the bright light actually made me wonder if both he and Phoebe accidentally caused what happened.

They did in fact state he was an evo. From the pre-show press release: "Luke Collins, whose EVO son was killed in Odessa"

…pretty sure it's not turets syndrome.

I had never heard that before.I do question it a bit, since occasionally the other actors did voiceover duty. Unless…that was a thing omniscient narration can do? Like in Grey's?

….that is awesome.

It might be cliche in respect to the storyline, but it makes sense genetically, if his kid was an evo (which he was), statistically someone else in his family was going to be too.

I'm pretty sure the narrator is Mohinder, since he's…in this.

If they aren't careful, he's going to overclock.

Doesn't Molly's ability only work if she's awake? I feel like they said that in the original series.

Well, I'm looking forward to seeing how Matt or Mohinder react to Molly's death.

Didn't they say that no one was donating anymore because of the evo-thing? If that's the case, EVERY blood type is rare, and they may be doing what they do for organ transplants for blood transfusions.

I kind of disagree about Luke. Even in episode one, even during his speech, it sounded like he was going through the motions of this. Questioning it. The speech didn't SOUND like he believed it so much as if he was saying it because he needed to because his wife said this was helping her. And after that meeting, he

"Maybe we can use this to fix the loose tile in the bathroom."

…..wat. how did I miss this?

Apparently CBS went "….wait, we ddn't even air this show the FIRST TIME."

Meee too. And rewatch flash and arrow to see if I missed other easter eggs.

I know, right? Everytime I see an article saying "Unforgettable saved from cancellation", that is my exact thought. I still have not seen ONE EPISODE, and I could not tell you the plot or what channel it is on.