I'd really like to see our multi-billion dollar probe's last transmission being the approach of some ginormous sea beast on Europa.
I'd really like to see our multi-billion dollar probe's last transmission being the approach of some ginormous sea beast on Europa.
It's not real. Blame the camera.
You're watching a trained pilot who's done this hundreds of times safely land a very large missile full of people. It's not insane, it's not crazy (as the Facebook post calls it), and it's not a nightmare. It's also not exclusive to BHX - pretty much every airport that has weather has crosswinds and crosswind…
I can't be the only one to notice how his right middle finger is extended. This is no soldier. This is a prisoner in a soldier's costume.
"If you breath on a real diamond"
Are you ever going to lay off the obsession with calling things 'crazy'? You're in no position to assess the sanity or lack thereof of any inanimate object. Mostly because inanimate objects don't have sanity.
Uh. Yeah. Clearly anyone who used emoji and emoticons is a pedophile. That's why it's the domain of 12 year old girls?
I don't think "crazy" means what you think it does. I don't see anything that brings the sanity of the pilot into question.
Can you use some word other than "sick" that maybe, possibly, somewhat describes what the fuck you're looking for?
There are multiple instances where a phone would be a rather convenient thing to have, power or not. Like, to tell someone there's no power, to call an ambulance, to contact a customer/supplier, to contact that guy in Florida with the 11 pounds of weed he found in a suitcase...
Any chance you'll ever drop the use of the word 'guts' to refer to the internal components of devices?
Why the fuck are there onions in your lasagna?
What about those farts that travel up your ass crack? What if the seal is imperfect? I demand answers. For a friend...
He's already done rocket science. This should be doable.
Has he even considered North Korea? It is best Korea. They could use someone who knows what a computer is.
The warhead wouldn't go critical if the missile were blown up.
So say, "hello, broken record," in 3, 2...swag...
Who wouldn't tell him to go fuck himself? He needs to go fuck himself.