What on earth are you talking about? You totally misunderstood me. I’m in favor of single payer. I dispel the whole monoculture theory right in my post, nobody seems to understand that. Maybe I worded it wrong.
What on earth are you talking about? You totally misunderstood me. I’m in favor of single payer. I dispel the whole monoculture theory right in my post, nobody seems to understand that. Maybe I worded it wrong.
Instagram stars and lifestyle bloggers show off intricate family meals; mommy forums and celebrity cookbooks are brimming with advice and admonishment about making sure kids eat a variety of vegetables. Gwyneth Paltrow’s “food stamp challenge” of 2015 even framed at-home food production on a $29 weekly budget as a…
If you don’t think America has different sub cultures that hold different values, you’ve clearly never lived in different places in the country. Your premise is patently incorrect. America holds vastly different values amongst it’s regions and even within some states.
300 million people spread across 3 million square miles constitute one single culture? You are one dense motherfucker.
You are still taking me out of context, I never said that monocultures are a good thing, I never said it’s necessary ingredient for an idyllic civilization and finally, I do mean culture.
I’m not sure if I agree with the monoculture argument. Sure not being a monoculture makes things harder, but it’s an easy way out to say it’s a deal breaker.
I totally agree! I always thought that all of already pay more than 50% of our income! Another point I would suggest is maybe 20% is taken right off the top in co-pays and insurance company profits.
OK, I feel like I have to make a confession here. While I love cars, I fucking hate car ownership. Every single aspect seems purposefully designed to suck the life and enjoyment out of it. Buying a car is a huge pain, with shady dealerships, hard-salesmanship from “the finance guy”, pre-optioned models and locked-in…
Well, what you did is considered harassment and what she said on facebook is just plain ignorance.
“This is the shot white people don't get about racism" is a racist comment.
“You’ve got no outside mirror.”
“No, we lost that.”
“You have no functioning gauges.”
“Not a one. However, the radio still works! Funny as that may seem.”
1) Parked outside someone’s house at night
2) Speeding in a school zone
3) Passing out at a fuel pump
“You boys feel like this vehicle is safe for highway travel?”
They can recommend a shop, that’s perfectly legal.
10 years= basically a lifetime.
Tip 1: Get the hell out of that state. Unless you’re very wealthy, and already a property owner, that state has nothing for you.
No, at worst, what he has done is illegal. As the CEO of a publicly traded company, making press releases containing false information in an effort (a successful one, mind you) to manipulate the stock price of the company is illegal. Yes, idiotic. Not silly at all. Illegal.
“otherwise deliver a substantially good product”
It only lost almost a billion dollars this quarter. Can’t see why anyone would hate it. I’m sure they will sell enough to make up for the low profit margin automobiles have.
I don’t think it’s the company or it’s products that engender such vitriol. It’s the man. He rubs people the wrong way. He’s so full of himself, and some people would like to see him fall flat on his face.