
Welcome to Jezebel.

Man, how painfully right you were.

It’s always been that way, and will continue to be that way until the monthlies grow too expensive and die off, at which point we’ll hopefully end up with prestige OGNs coming out periodically.

That’s the flipside of comics’ needs to return to the status quo: Yes, Janethor died. But she still exists as part of the Marvel universe, and can be brought back for any reason, at any point. I guarantee she’ll return before 2020. A Thunderstrike for the new decade.

The comics industry is killing itself, and has been for a very long time.

The status quo always returns. The classic characters are classic for a reason, and they’re always going to be brought back for a new generation to play with them. It’s got zero to do with racism or sexism, unless you think teen Tony Stark or Ben Reilly were sent packing because of either reason.

“Every time it’s

Anakin died. He saved his son, and died. He paid for his crimes. He didn’t get to return home with Luke and be welcomed as a hero again.

If Kylo’s ever turning “good” again, it has to be at a cost, as well. A journey that includes murdering one of the most beloved characters in the series shouldn’t end with a happily

I don;t think I am the best or right

There’s no redemption for murdering his father in cold blood.

It takes some serious egotism to make liking TLJ a parallel to whatever “progress” you claim to have made in life, while simultaneously tying your friend’s perceived inadequacies to his not liking it. Wow.

In this country, if you’re a non-citizen immigrant, there is no way you take the government’s word that they won’t do anything improper with that admission.

He was asked to stay on as a consultant, and even gave Kennedy the treatments for this sequel plans, which she promptly tossed out. That’s when he officially withdrew.

She went for cliche ageism, so fair’s fair.

I name you today’s Queen of Bad Takes, Alex.

You keep fucking that chicken, my friend. Fuck it good.

“Let go of the past. Kill it, if you have to.”

I loved the prequels. They just needed a screenwriter other than George.

That clip made me want to punch Johnson in the fucking face.

Kennedy should have made George head of the story group, with Pablo as his lieutenant. Let him be the visionary, then hire the best of the best to execute that vision.

They’re crossing through Mexico rather than requesting asylum there? Not sure how that helps their chances once here, if they willingly avoided a feasible destination.