is there an actual link to the actual write up?
is there an actual link to the actual write up?
to "exhaustion" is the most effective way to lift. you need a spotter for that. lifting 30% of your max may work when you're just starting out, but once you reach a certain level it will just maintain, but not build.
i think ww would approve
im pretty good with electronics, ive taken apart and fixed laptops, ipods and other crap, but the new apple stuff is a pain in the ass. everything is soldered on and packed in so friggin tight that its pretty much unserviceable by an average person. case in point, found an ipod touch 4g with cracked screen in parking…
burn it
aww they are like angry little ewoks
let's say for the sake of argument that it's not an Si, because the si did have a 5 speed even in 1986. I would still buy it.
i have a feeling the person who wrote this question may also be a commenter here:
yes, i have one on my ipod touch (front and back) and my htc evo (front only). they are great. kinda of a pain in the ass to put on, but once they are on forget about scratches. best thing is they replace them for free. they will send you a replacement immediately and then you can send in the old one so you never have…
ah yes, alas us city dwellers can only dream of such things as covered parking
I like it, but it's funny that drill press is on the list of tools. as much as i would want one, like most people i just don't have the space for one of those in my apartment.
most top quality messenger bags dont have handles, but they do have a way to attach a chest strap for when you dont want it flapping around or shifting.
very tempting, but 7500 is about twice what one would reasonably expect to pay
it's so easy to troll on there, that it's not even fun anymore. yeah, sure I can easily post something that would get 20 angry comments and possibly a high heel or a ballet flat thrown in anger. but really, if there is no challenge, it's just not worth it.
i apologize if im assuming too much but it sounds like you are from india, you know the part about half way around the world and the engineering school sorta the clues i was going on...
that looks like the same stuff they sell on amazon that was rejected by gillette. its cheap, but you know the old saying, you get what you pay for.