More like Gaylavant.
Jerry Hall in flats because she’s older and ain’t trying to wear heels OR because she knows that you keep an insecure man by never towering over him.
“Don’t do drugs or be afraid of psychotherapy.”
How am I spinning racism away when I CLEARLY WROTE IN THREE COMMENTS that racism WAS undoubtedly a large factor in these arrests of black and Latino youths.
Okay, seriously, I’ve read the story, I’ve looked him.
That’s what I find so maddening here. That Kara and others are DEFENDING this like it’s Leslie Jones’ RIGHT to get a rack of free designers gowns to choose from.
She wants a free gown from a designer with a big enough name to draw attention.
Do you think she said that with a straight face—that a designer could literally go bankrupt if they designed Leslie Jones a dress she happened not to like?
Tell the truth?
No, I won’t. And fuck you for trying to silence me. only white people call the cops on Black and Latino kids.
Well, that explains why he can quote a cast album from memory.
I read your post too fast and thought it was “rhyme with ‘n-word’”
Except for the twins!
A basic white boy actor who works out too much, only eats boiled chicken and broccoli, and obviously aged out of David Geffen’s yacht harem.
Since Lynx was speaking only about neighbors, that’s what I concentrated on.
Fool, I know what he’s reading. He wasn’t paid to act here. He agrees with what’s written, that’s why he’s happy to read it.
That’s a fair and good point.