El Guapo de_NJMIA

sometimes thats not a bad thing ;)

To be honest I like the fact that they are doing this. Better than the way Target handled their security issues.

I hate you and everything you stand for.

oh for sure, especially in Mexico. but should they feel guilted for having it?

I never said all but I understand your point. but you have to admit this is a good example of sensationalism.

Im not really understanding the point of the post. Is this an attempt to equalize the 2 sides? If so why should we? I don't know the background of these 2 communities but on a guess those who live on the nicer side probably worked for it. And a good portion of those on the not so nice side made poor life choices. I'm

Prepping: Done!

OOH look at the little baby.

LOL I wish. I don't know about where your from but the Hipsters here are rich and well off.

With a few exceptions, watching this makes me realize how lazy movies have gotten. The creativity and ingenuity behind making a movie has been replaced by software. It's even gotten to a point where we are making more remakes and less original content. just a thought.

for this reason I have multiple bank account at different banks plus I only use my google wallet card or a reloadable card. Its come to that point.

... as I sit here in my cubicle and cry for my wasted life.

this needs to happen. Just like the pic above!!!

my problem is not that its released on ios my problem is that its on cydia. they only way to get it is to jailbreak your device. its fine if the device is JB but what happens if you have to get a replacement or are forced to restore due to an issue. your out $10 cause 1) there is no assurance that a jailbreak will be


this is really nice but not $10 nice. At most $2 and even that is pricy. Im just weary of buying JB apps.

Is it bad that out of all of them Dumbo was the saddest to me?