El Guapo de_NJMIA

going strictly on the conviction, fuck it. He died like he was suppose to. I dont see the issue. Again I don't know the case, victims, or anything. He killed someone so sucks to be him. Im sure his victim wasn't killed humanely.

Arguably the only cool part of the movie.

this is sploid not gizmodo.

2 words: Population Control!

odd but the purple one makes me think of how I'd imagine Grimace or Barney would die or an asteroid impact....

Thanks. I think they got it working again. I definitely saved this copy now.

Could have saved him a lot of trouble if he just followed 4 simple rules:

This is the one the pisses me of the most. Every time they update (android) it it stops working on my nexus 7 2nd gen. I finally just cancelled my service and started using show box.

yeah, had the same issue. This is the one I currently use and it works great.

"Cost: an iPad is much cheaper than a l̶a̶p̶t̶o̶p̶. M̶a̶c̶B̶o̶o̶k̶.̶ decent laptop worth buying." Double fixed it for you.

I did the exact same thing only I went the rout of a nexus 7 2nd gen. Works great since most of my company's applications are web based and the ones that aren't have apps for them. It's like being in the office with out the commute. I use my iPad mini 1st gen mainly for my games, photography. Really happy with the set

damn it! beat me to it!!!

a bit of topic but with all thats happening I cant help but see this becoming a reality.

so... you think its a good idea to keep someone who wasn't doing his job? Especially such a high profile job as this? Were not talking security at a strip mall here. better this than something more serious.

yes but Singer is not an appointed law enforcement officer or someone hired by law enforcement. it being illegal is irrelevant. Some could sue him for and I'm no lawyer so I'm just throwing this out there for deformation of character or something like that. And while the road is a public place they are in their

I hear they are working on version 2

1) your a hypocrite. Your telling me you have never (depending on how old you are) copied a tape/CD, recorded from the TV and/or radio? You have paid for every piece of media you have ever watched or listened to? You have never borrowed a movie from someone or sat down in someones house and watched a movie they put

is there a link or any info on how to download?