El Guapo de_NJMIA

is there a link or any info on downloading it?

I think its more of a sentimental value than "hey I got an iPad".

yeah but think about at 70 do you really give a shit? Look at his face does it look like he give a Fk? lol On a personal note I dont have any but I personally think they look great on some people.

we'll I can't see this working. why would you take the risk for a RP album when it's just going to be in the .99 bin a week after release?

Great post. I have to say that the below is my favorite. Thant one got me more than any.

Thats all dependent on the developer. Some devs start fresh with a new app, and some realize that a happy customer comes back for more. What you saying happened to me with the GV app. after the 2nd version I was "forget this crap" and just stuck to the free official google one. I stopped buying from them.

This has sooooo much potential. The concept alone looks amazing.

was thinking the same thing.

Men everywhere are starting to take a crap!!

meth will do that to you.

"Used to be a poster boy, when I was a kid, living in the Boeshane Peninsula. Tiny little place. I was the first one ever to be signed up for the Time Agency. They were so proud of me. The Face of Boe, they called me".

wow even their MREs look.... non confrontational.

sweet! thanks.

7.0.4 jailbreak.

have you tried your nipple?

"Thanks Woodrow Wilson".

the problem is no matter what you do it's always going to affect something else. We go nuclear, we have to worry about radiation and waste. Fossil fuel, pollution. As long as there is need, nothing will change. all we can do is.....nothing (at least until it affects us globally and in the masses).

"lost my phone"

You know this has got to be the best fitness article I have read on LH. I'll even go as far as anywhere. More often than not we tend to focus on short term goals and not the whole picture. And to be honest that's where I've always failed. Like you I've struggled with my weight. Sure I've lost weight in the past but