El Guapo de_NJMIA

ehhh hehehe yeah hehehe

uhhh huhuhu.. boobs

you mean flat pepsi.

yeah, but its just so unreliable. There have been plenty of times my messages have been delayed or haven't gone through. Plus I'm a phone-aholic. I switch phones like socks. One day I use my iPhone the next my nexus 5. When ever I switch from ios to android my text don't through because they are being sent to my

I bet she gets better reception than anyone else!

I hear you. I used to be a 1/4 lb guy in high school. It's the fluff (1000 island) that gets me to come back

I love me some Big Macs. No matter how hard I try I cant make them at home.

this could be really helpful for people in my.... "situation". lets hope it doesn't become/isn't based on advertisements or endorsements. Otherwise I see it telling me my healthy option is a whopper with cheese and extra bacon. Will definitely give it a try.

I use these and they are a lot more snug and secure. Plus whether your a student or work in an office they are free with your ID. I've had this one for the a solid 1 1/2 yrs and its still strong. A little of topic, best damn cheap headphone I've ever had. Skull candy ink'd. Thought I'd throw that in in case someone

they could thought he was a frequent flyer. yes/no?

"Although I should've gone to bed this morning, my masters discovered something abnormal with my mechanical control system," said the Xinhua report, in the voice of the Jade Rabbit. "My masters are staying up all night working for a solution. I heard their eyes are looking more like my red rabbit eyes."

YES!!! that little fucker got the orange suite. that means they are putting him with the heavy hitters. He wont be smiling for long.

I think this just proves celeb are grown in a lab and once they run the course of their use they start to self destruct in this way.

We have this in Miami...

atta boy Timmy. and while your down there don't forget you pack of luck strike and Ovaltine.

I think it stopped being kosher from the word pig.