El Guapo de_NJMIA

I've been wanting to do #5 since the ipad 1st gen came out. but I don't feel like spending a lot of money on a custom job. anyone have any ideas?

lol. where is this from? was this part of special bonus features?

...and so it begins!

and there is the problem. the seller lives to rip someone off again.

Device?. I am guessing with tax? With service it would be about $1200ish

you know I got really hyped for the Nexus 5. but I got to say I am a little disappointed. The only complaint I have about it is the reception on it. On my iPhone 5 I had 4 bars of tmo LTE most of the time with damn near never loosing a signal. Now with the N5 I'm lucky to get 1. I'm usually bouncing back and fourth

I knew it!! we've been too nice to them!!

I just got a copy of them:

@Alan Henry. Wow you guys are lucky. I just got fat and lazy.

I think the church just found the relative.

that's good news considering I already use GW.

here's a possible preview:

nothing but the finest for that cat. from start to end!

I'm not sure if your trying to be but don't be that guy... not here.. not with this post. :(

thank you for restoring my faith in humanity :)

what they need to do is fix the Android app. it doesn't work on the N7 :(

slightly of topic: every time I see or hear "it won't be here until early 2014" I get pissed until I realize we are already in November.

First thing that came to mind from this port: