El Guapo de_NJMIA

"New York to east California. There's a new wave coming, I warn ya. We're the kids in America (Whoa). We're the kids in America (Whoa). Everybody lives for the music-go-round"

Mr.Siveria, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may

"do we have a problem here?"

is this going to be only for handsets? Im looking at my N7(13) and its not showing an option for SMS.

you almost had me but once I saw it was Sprint I got all sad :(

wait 4 people at a time? not very efficient on space and time.

Miami has had the metro mover (similar to this) for years now. Granted it doesn't look as cool as this and smells a bit like pee :-/

Hit That Clerk?

shouldn't this be a chrome book? tisk tisk lol

Now playing

not so great but consider the alternative.

Thank god this wasn't

with iMessage you don't need to give your number out either. works with email.

yea not only are they late on their release you have to wait in line to use it? Just fucking die already.

BURN!!!!..... (to my self )

To All,

she approves!

a bit of topic but I find it funny that the people who play FFB tend to be the same ones that used to give crap to those that played DD or WOWC. Same concept, different subject.

you know every time you (Giz) give us one of these what could have been posts all I can think about is Fringe.