El Guapo de_NJMIA

This place blows. It is one of the most boring places you can visit. They used to make us go on school trips there. It was the only time in history a kid wasn't happy about going on a field trip.

I'm some what from there and if you were too you'd know why its not the capital...such a crappy place to live.

"If you can think of a cheaper way to turn a plastic water bottle into a vase, we'd like to hear it. "

where is this that this is considered a studio? Looks more like a 1/1 before the renovations.

yes...yes keep fighting... keep blaming the other.

Yeah but just think 1) the amazing shape you would be in. 2) the positive impact this would have on the environment if everyone did it. 3) how much money we would save by not having to spend on non renewable fuels.

Funny I was thinking of upgrading to the 5S to take quick videos when my camera isn't handy. Then looking at this video made me realize now anyone with little to no effort can make a slow-mo video. I'm not saying this vid is no good but I got a vision of slow-mo videos exploding on youtube and Instagram by little

not so much from my desk but its all we get to see if we turn around. :)

just tried it and it didn't work for me?

you know every time a new iOS comes out there is some by pass on the lock screen. maybe its safe to say this is done purposely by apple. for what reason idk. maybe so when the jb is out for that version they can send an update to "patch" the bypass??

you can't make everyone happy..

oh so you're the one....

Yippee ki-yay, motherfucker!

from what I hear there is someone already in line waiting to buy it:

sure...until someone says the wrong thing around you and all of a sudden you have your embarrassing play list start playing.

another little unknown fact... That's why this gentleman decided to venture on out there.

wow what a douche, lol. anyway Sean you need to use SMC files. works great was playing S Mario 3 at work.

I would definitely buy an android shape kit kat bar. That pic looks delicious.

didnt they already buy Danger a while back? lets hope they dont mess nokia up too.