
Congrats Brownell, you’ve surpassed Torchinsky for stupid article subjects. 

Jalop has officially jumped the shark.

I hope Emma Roberts stubs her toe really bad today, like to the point where the nail folds back and it looks all weird and gross and it’s painful for over a week.

Wasn’t she also caught on camera assaulting her ex-boyfriend (and sometimes AHS co-star) Evan Peters?

Emma Roberts has a reputation for being like this on set so yeah, it probably did.

Emma Roberts comes off, both on screen and in real life, as an incredibly entitled and unlikable person. I have no idea if this happened at all or exactly or close to what Ross said, but I find it difficult to give Roberts the benefit of the doubt.

This is mind-boggling. I guarantee you that no-one with power gives enough of a fuck about Brand to frame him for anything. He’s actually less relevant to public life than ever before, thanks to his alt-right grifter reinvention.

I honestly never understood how he got famous. He’s always been an unfunny jackass, now he is an unfunny jackass that is always lecturing people.

Oh, well if ELON supports him... he’s definitely GUILTY (Seriously. NOT said in sarcasm).

The cast of That 70s Show have also weighed in to remark that Russell Brand is often not as late as you might expect him to be.

Elon Musk also weighed in, posting “I support Russell Brand. That man is not evil.””

Fuck, that’s the harshest roast yet.

Russell Brand, seen here really leaning into his Broseph the Vampire persona.

“I thought better of him!” At press time, we don’t know why she thought better of a guy who posted a picture of the bras thrown at him at concerts...”

“the rest of the TGS cast” Yes, all two of them.

i think that’s a byproduct of being a super successful comedian, too. if everything is a joke then everything is a joke. obviously doesn’t apply to every single one, but i can see how monetizing your opinions and dedicating your life to having one-way conversations in that way would completely warp your brain,

Tony Mendez, he actually got fired a few months before Dave left for attacking one of the writers.

Seth Meyer’s cue card guy, Wally, gets featured quite a bit on the show and even has a side business selling cue cards.

“. . . And what’s with the cue card holders? They hold the cards . . . there’s . . . actually nothing funny about them . . . I COMMAND YOU PEOPLE TO LAUGH! I’m JERRY SEINFELD, Damnit!

Letterman had a whole thing about making fun of the cue card guy. Seems like I’ve seen most talk show hosts do it at some point. It’s hard to believe many cue card people get upset about the camera time. Letterman’s guy got pretty famous.

Seinfeld has always made it clear that he doesn’t really give a shit about other people. Especially people he sees as ‘below’ him (such as someone’s who job it is to hold cue cards). The whole insincere “that’s a shame” reaction is mostly how he goes through is life. Someone getting yelled at by their boss for not