
Gee. If only there was away to get all these great channels through one provider and pay them one monthly fee instead of juggling all these different plans. hmmmmm. I wonder what that would look like?

Oh boy, SF does not like guns. He is fucked. And also a moron.


+Larry Sanders Show vote. 

“the rest of the TGS cast” Yes, all two of them.

i think that’s a byproduct of being a super successful comedian, too. if everything is a joke then everything is a joke. obviously doesn’t apply to every single one, but i can see how monetizing your opinions and dedicating your life to having one-way conversations in that way would completely warp your brain,

Tony Mendez, he actually got fired a few months before Dave left for attacking one of the writers.

Seth Meyer’s cue card guy, Wally, gets featured quite a bit on the show and even has a side business selling cue cards.

“. . . And what’s with the cue card holders? They hold the cards . . . there’s . . . actually nothing funny about them . . . I COMMAND YOU PEOPLE TO LAUGH! I’m JERRY SEINFELD, Damnit!

I haven’t yet read the Rolling Stone piece, but the stories I’ve seen blogged about sound very similar to plotlines from the Larry Sanders Show.

Letterman had a whole thing about making fun of the cue card guy. Seems like I’ve seen most talk show hosts do it at some point. It’s hard to believe many cue card people get upset about the camera time. Letterman’s guy got pretty famous.

Seinfeld has always made it clear that he doesn’t really give a shit about other people. Especially people he sees as ‘below’ him (such as someone’s who job it is to hold cue cards). The whole insincere “that’s a shame” reaction is mostly how he goes through is life. Someone getting yelled at by their boss for not

People need to stop using Twitter, there needs to be an alternative. It’s becoming nothing but propaganda and misinformation. (Not that I’m a fan of the NY Times, but my point stands)

You also have billionaires showing up in private jets for the event with exponentially higher CO2 emissions, particularly if they’re flying with like 1 or 2 other people on an otherwise empty plane. 

If you are only talking about the USA, then unfortunately, you are incorrect.

If trash were the only environmental impact they have, then absolutely there is no issue with them. Again, burning all those fossil fuels and driving over unpaved roads, that is the issue.

Fun fact: In order to get their BLM permit re-upped for the following year, the amount of moop (aka trash) leftover on the playa must fit in a one gallon zip lock bag. That’s one gallon ziplock bag of trash, for 70,000 people. The fact that people have chosen to lose their shit over Burning Man when literally ANY

This is where I, especially in the more recent years, laugh at their core value of leaving no trace. You have thousands if not tens of thousands of ice vehicles driving across the desert, tons of people moving about in a concentrated space, and you light a giant pile of wood on fire. How is that an eco-friendly, or

WTF. This isn’t 1869. Not much of anything uses coal anymore and the people who constantly cry about coal sound stupid. Coal has been mostly ditched for decades very few things even use it anymore. The coal industry just keeps digging because what else are they going to do. 

typical, pathetic, these are not only NIMBY, but now Not In My Playing Ground, stopping progress to the entire region population just to keep the aesthetics untouched for an event that happens once a year