
Yes, that’s part of why Burning Man was kicked off the Playa after the total destruction of 1996. Burn scars everywhere.

The subtext of Burning Man has never been “leave no trace.” It has always been “Who gives a fuck about this place, I wanna do fun shit in the desert.”

He KNOWS, deep down in his heart, that all of these people will surely applaud and cheer for him once they finally understand his grand vision of producing a... [checks notes] international... financial... superstore...? What... what even is that?

All he had to do was continue to listen to his handlers and he would still be popular and well liked.  Instead he started believing his own hype and showed his true self.

Technically, it was 90% cheers & 10% boos (except during quiet periods), but, still, that’s a lot of boos, which is a first for me in real life (frequent on Twitter)

Crazy that any time this dork goes out in public he’s massively booed. Almost like no one likes him outside his twitter blue check  bubble.

Remember, Elon: these guys can’t all be pedos.

As always, his ego cannot comprehend that no one likes him. He’s been wrecking everything he touches for years. He just had enough people around him that cared that he couldn’t fire.

He is a grifter, a charlatan, and has ruined one of the most vibrant online communities just to stoke his own ego. The irony is that it’s

Wow it's like the "instead of bonuses we're having a pizza party" thing that businesses do, but even worse. At least then you get a meal. 

Working for a billion dollar corporation for free is the height of dipshitery. Some people get a good wank on the mod life I guess. 

I think that’s kind of the point. He’s really leaning hard into fascism. He’s just a reply guy to right-wing trolls and Nazis.

Somehow Musk continues to impress me with how stupid he is. Kind of like the orange menace, he’ll do something that I think is just the dumbest thing he could possibly do but then he’ll go do something even dumber. I bailed on Twitter the day he took over.

to somehow incentivize reporters to write news directly onto Twitter itself.

Isn’t the word he’s looking for “aesthetics”?

Linus consistently painting himself as a victim in his responses is kind of tiring, too. He’s got that sad-faced woe-is-me schtick down cold.

The fact that the apology video was an EDITED video speaks volumes. Not only does Linus not understand GN’s criticisms (ethics/rushing inaccurate videos for a bottom line), but this mindset is shared by the writers, the editors, and the performers. Let’s be real, 100% this video was a performance. All this could have

He said some dumb shit, but on some level I feel for the guy. Heels is a good show that needs all the publicity it can get, and there won’t be any for it.

If her focus were TRULY about helping those displaced by the wildfires, she could’ve showed up just with supplies the people needed and a checkbook to help attain more obscure resources.

She has a rash of shit that she is due for bringing people like Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz to national prominence...

I would just like to know how one picks up a child from school “with humility.” Also, at least Pratt’s comment was presented in the spirit of ironic self-awareness, like, I don’t think he was actually expecting a pat on the back for opening pickle jars.