Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

Thats not a comparison test. This is a comparison test. #betterthoughtoutreplies

Only two franchises are capable of such horseshit.

In 15 years, the NFL will say this is how he got CTE.

You’re “genuinely asking” why people watch football? I’m genuinely asking why people like you bother to “genuinely ask” questions like this all week every week during football season?

It’s an escape from reality on Sunday and Monday for several million people. Whether it’s good or not, I have no specific opinion. But that’s the answer. Some people read; some people do the crossword; some people dress up like ancient knights and fight with plastic swords while hopped up on Sudafed and ambien. It’s

And a Ferrari is just a glorified overpriced Fiat. And a Fiat is just a glorified overpriced golf cart. And a golf cart is a glorified overpriced go cart. And a go cart is a glorified overpriced lawn tractor. And a lawn tractor is just a glorified overpriced motorized grass cutter. And a grass cutter is just a

I demand to know:

Very weird to agree with people, but then disparage then for believing the thing you also believe, but apparently because they believe it too fervently.

Poor people.

We can’t let politics tear us apart... we will disagree on strongly, and things we agree on — let’s treat each other with respect

This is the Future and I’ll tell you wh

I worked as a contractor at Tesla. Before they had offices for the group I was working with, they placed the team on the factory floor, right next to the end of the line. This was when the Model X’s were being built and the first 20 coming off the line the week I was there at the plant. Musk was on the ground, helping

All the major desktop operating systems and browsers already provide many assistive technologies for visually impaired users. Also, to the best of my understanding, companies that manufacture operating systems and browsers cannot be sued under the ADA as the software in and of itself is not a public accomodation as

I think it’s more that she realized way too late that the Silicon Valley “fake it til you make it” strategy does not work for bio-med. You can’t just release a half-assed original prototype and work out out the kinks in the beta.

Look at the bones!

he’ll be back next year after changing his name to Metta World War. 

Fool me 13 times shame on you ...

I thought the Kolvoord Starburst was banned.

Is this the first rocket you've ever seen?