Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

Umm. Not blowing my eyeballs out when using my phone at night is by FAR the most valuable reason. And barely even mentioned here. It’s the most practical application by far, and absolutely legit. Must we shit on everything?

What’s with all these blue shirts? You think blue shirts are cool? blue shirts are BULLSHIT. Here’s a weird swerve at some actor to prove my point.

i can’t believe i bothered reading this.

Excuse me. Do you happen to have any Grey Poupon?

...tried-and-true template...

we’re still gathering information--and stories like this contain a lot of nuance--but that seems to be the 20,000 foot view of it, yes.

No, I did not get that sense from the story.

So let me get this straight: a man who held up a sign asking for beer money has old tweets that are racist, and he’s sorry for them? 

its because stories about male black gangbangers don’t become part of manifestos for sad people killing sad people. black criminals are rarely afforded the kind of nuance and importance when it comes to their stories, let alone hidden under the mask of pop culture icons...outside of the music industry, and i too have

> the arrogance of the “research” “community”

Welcome to America in 2019, where Arians claim to be helping a Gay but really just want to set them further back.

Sheesh, you make one little typo and get eternally flamed.

*Mrs. Lincoln

Hey man, just say you fuckin’ hate jockeys. No need to hide behind the horse death shield.

Would it crush a human to a pulp if they were flying it remotely?

One possibility is that they saw it and they’re trying not to trigger their PTSD.

Sorry, Eli died on the way back to his home planet.

1955? Was Fox News showing Back to the Future?

Disingenuous in that everything he said is accurate, but didn’t add a caveat that only Miami fans care about.

I think Creed would go for some obscure third party candidate, or maybe even reveal himself to be the real Deez Nutz

Hey, how'd you get a copy of my thesis?