
she choose not to be the dansel anymore, she is the original robot, the one that witnessed Arnold's death. I believe she is the main character of the entire show.

What Tessa?

Strongly agree. Never seen Spartacus eighter, GoT, Marco Polo. Those shows use nudity as a sexual device (in most cases), and its OK. Even the free nudity in Spartacus is ok to me, because its showing a time and place where it was all about the sex.
But on WW the nudity is so pure, raw. Its not sexual at all (in the

A. I got so happy that I saw the Gunsliger. I usually miss things like that. lol
B. I agree that large companies may possess damaged thing because its not priority to repair. But a water driping, eletric sparking floor? That place could burn or flood the entire company.

you make a good point thou. They say that some phisical thing if you are 14, you're an olimpian. But we see some attributes of her going near the 20 max. Since she's a hooker boss, like the perception of people.
So they may have host that his character is a genius and they need that 20 max.

I guess she could eventually get back to another sector of the park and they discover what happened. They are just butchers.

Dolores you mean.

nice observations.
and about the nudity, how old is the writer to talk so much about that? The show is not showing nudity em a sexy way. Its not Spartacus (show that I absolutly loved), its showing them as machines. It could be the terminator sitting on those chairs. Thats the spirit.

thats why I dont watch the trailers. I am spoilerfobic…lol

I mean, no word in the review.
I have been here in Brazil. So I dont watch it live. Dont pay HBO either…so I have to download later.

I dont remember now if the world is free of diseases or they just have a cure for every disease. I guessthe second.

I was thinking about that when I saw it.
Even the golden girls remembered about the show Spartacus - Blood and Sand.

Well, I saw an interview with an HBO executive and Santoro, that hint they think about the other parks.

I think there is a "I, Robot" right there. Arnold asked Dolores to kill him.

No word on the appearance of the Gunslinger from the movie? really? You missed that or just didnt care?

2 paragraphs blabling about the robots are nude. what a waste.
Thats why TWD has gigantic audience, and this awesome show is decreasing, and can get cancelled. And thats why Trump won.
Americans, get your sh1t together, plse!!!

Also, in a world without eletricity or traffic, you would hear that bike coming from miles away. Just hide at the side of the road. Let it pass by.

I couldnt care less about Dwitght. We spend the first 3 or 4 minutes of this episodes learning what a douche he is, making that sandwich. Then the show wants to humanize him. thats bollocks.

Why on earth should I care about Dwight? I couldnt care less. Why waste so many screentime with him? I didnt even remember the face of that girl, if wasnt for the Previously would never guess.
This show is going down the hill and I have to read something so absurd as: “The Cell:” it’s considerably better than the

Stranger Things sends its regards.