
Im gonna watch the movie. Because this theory of Harrys being a robot makes a lot o sense.
I heard something about he using gloves, and Ford said that the firts robots of 30 years ago, you could know by shaking hands.

the nose off shot and a shot to the neck.

I believe she has a daily routine, that fits in the larger storyline. But when some guest interrupts the routine, like raping her, they reset the day.

I think the shoot thing is a little more tricky. Cause the pretty boy robot doesnt know he is a robot and tries to shoot a living person (Ed Harris) (but there is a theory that Harris is the remaining roboto from the movie). And the bullets dont work. So maybe a new bullet tech that only works on robots of the park.

I think it is clear that is a sequel. My bet is the Harris character is the remaining robot from the movie.

let me get this straight you took the Python on the name of the episode literally? As a snake? and not as a program language? Gizusss

She has, literally, an army to do those chores for her. She just have to be there on time.

I dont get the problem with cliffhangers. Really!

Try The Man from the Future (dont know if there's a US version of it).

you Sir, made me laugh hard.

I believe its to be expected that he dies this season, even if you dont read or saw any interview of sorts. As said in the review, he scapes from La Catedral in 92 and dies in 93. Its a Netflix show, not a CW to drag this for 4 years. lol

well, lets no attend any history class, lets not learn anything about anywhere outside the US. So we can enjoy this show.
C'mon man…its like make a show about the life of Tupac and complaint if someone tell you he is dead.
Ignorant americans!!

read your history's books man. there is,literally, a whole World outside the USA.

I dont know the history of the name here in Brazil…but I can tell that Wagner or Vagner it has Always been a first name here.

I remember the mention of the name Ollie on previus episodes, but when? Who?
I think this Ollie is the third personality taking over. Thats why Mr Robot doesnt know whats going on. He's in the dark too, as Elliot.

Im not excited to read these reviews, since the writer didnt notice the institution/prison situation, that was clear since episode one.

The thing is, for this kind of story presented on this episode, we already have TWD. The outbreak story was really what I wanted to see, too.

oh, and the epidemic have just started and the towns are already empty. Not full with people who survived, not full with people who turned. They are empty, for some reason.

it took only 1,5 seasons to make this show garbage like the mother series (TWD).

thats why the comment section is for. go back and check.