
master and slave hard drives. There is only one master drive, that contains the OS. When Mr. Robot takes control of Elliots body, to protect him from the pain, he is being the master.

Every episode name has some thematic related, but its never considered in the review. Dont know why.

Elliot is living in a sanatory, and Ray is the guard. Why american reviews are not considering that?

about the security, Dom states that even on the floor of the FBI building people wander. So, despite that being a little odd, it has been explained by the show.

for that I am with the theory that he is in a sanatoryum. Darlene and Angela commited him (sorry for bad english).

I am with the theory that he is in a sanatoryum. Darlene and Angela commited him (sorry for bad english).

why there's no mention on this site about the theory that Elliot is in a sanatoryum?

I believe White Rose has a expiration time, when meeting people. After 10min he becomes attached, emotional, or something.

why this explanation is not on the review, bugs me.

my favorite shot was when Angela is talking to Price, and the camera shows a wide zoom out, and on Angelas side is very monochromatic, with garbage cans, and Price has all the lights, colors and the nice car.
Know your place Angela, dear.

could you please explain what mansplaining" is? Not american here, never heard that word.

could you please explain what "mansplaining" is? Not american here, never heard that word.

could you please explain what mansplaining" is? Not american here, never heard that word.

Please Zack, say good things about this show I love. I dont want to know its flaws. I want all to be good and rainbows. (sorry for bad english)

Kim planted the seed of doubt on him.

thats how the internet works. If you want a response youre mor likely to get it if you state something wrong.
People are more willing to correct you, then to help you.
(sorry for bad english).

not intencionally, but yes.

why the scorpion stings the frog?

for me it's not about how he end up in Cinnabon, but how he ended up creating SG.

I would appreciate some easter eggs.