
And so, Glenn could just as easy climb in that window a few weeks ago? Or up that ladder that had a "enormous" couch blocking it?

My thought on Gleen was: Why the hell does he need to be good to Enid considering his wifes wishes? Since when he is a good guy only because Maggie wants?
Thats just stupid writing.

looks a lot like my Sanctuary. lol
She on the porch, maybe I should give a shotgun so she can guard the house.

usually when you have the locket, there is a dialog option to give it away.

so that scene with Abe facing the walker is a deep scene? Full of meaning? Wow, I admire who can see this kind of thing. I just think was stupid not to use a knife to the head and take the RPG.

My first experience seems to be commom.
Played the game for 1 hour, had argument with wife for more than 1hour. lol

gaming falls under the 13% EVERY F**** time….lol

ask for nudes

I dont think the "Why Peggy and Ed got together" matters to the show. Let it go.

so, last week was a good episode? really?
you americans surprise me all the time.

"and they came after her in order to prevent her from seeing something hidden deeper in the documents"
Didnt get this. She could see something in the documents or the documents have something to do with her and her ops?

Someone could please tell me what Sioux Falls had to do with the first season? I remember the name being mentioned, like a massacre or something. What was it?

I dont see anyway that 4 guys with big guns would be overthrown by some lazy zombies like that.
Dont they know you need to set your gun on single shot and aim for the head?
Not convincing

If there is not a tiwst, people complaint. If there is a twist, people complaint. Cant please them all…

plse Zach, just contract Ebola you piece of shit!!

I agree, but couldnt the swat squad just jump through the lights? It would burn a lot, but its better then be cooked in a hole.

I think he took the recipe from his books. Maybe?

thats a damn good reason.

you really know your drugs…lol

I didnt get the part where Angela see a bunch of letters and go out to run. Was that bills that her father needs to pay? Is he broke?