
3 ND in one day, must be a record

Not when it’s titled as an RV!

If Manbearpig had a license, he’d drive this.

At one of my last jobs, our accountant traded in his convertible PT Cruiser on a CrossCabriolet. Needless to say, his taste in vehicles was pretty much crap.

Beware! Once bought a used vehicle that ended up having insane electrical issues. Took digging into Toyota’s service history website to come across this service note “take it home, take the mats out, and let it sit with the windows open”. Successfully settled with the dealer for a couple thousand, but it was a major

Great story and congrats on making it through a full course

This really good Jalopnik here.  This site needs more articles like this.  Well done, both the driving and the writing!!

I’m not automatically on the side of unions.  I have seen unions say that better cars are made with union labor.  But I don’t see it in the quality surveys.

I wonder if they were automatics, if they were manuals they would probably still be in the parking lot.

It was a lot less expensive, and vans are more useful. Plus, I won’t lose as much when it comes to resale.”

I feel for anyone who needs to buy a new car right now. You’re going to get fleeced, there’s no way around it.

Maybe if you can’t afford a fancy car, buy less of a car. Get an XL Maverick with no options for $21,500 and skip the $28k XLT. Don’t quit work in a rage, simply pay the note, build credit, skip the repair shop for the first 3 years, then do it again in 2028 but at a much lower rate and the old truck will be your down

Came here to say the same thing.

“Has already rose?”

Based on comments from international car enthusiasts, I’d say you nailed it. They view it as a lesser series and I don’t see it gaining wide popularity outside of NA, but that doesn’t mean they cant race in Mexico and Canada.

It’s weird - the more people make fun of Lexus’ grills for looking like the Cylons the more Lexus seems to go all “hold my beer” on it!

TARS, set humor level to 80%

More Grille!

That’s some bad photoshop. the dude is tiny or the seats are huuuuge