Pardon me whilst I die from lack of surprise.
Pardon me whilst I die from lack of surprise.
This is ridiculous. These spineless politicians are doing the exact same thing 45 did regarding NFL players kneeling. They’re completely politicizing the issue not to the benefit of those adversely affected but to their own. It’s despicable.
The GOP is really good at drawing bullshit boundaries and then acting shocked people are mad about it.
Any time piece of shit Rahm Emmanuel tweets, shows up on television to cape for shitlibs or shows his fuckin face in public, “LaQuan Coverup” should be the only fucking response.
Accessories after the fact.
I’m sure no trolls will infect the comments section...
There should be no world where a person can shoot another person in cold blood and be able to walk away from it without justice being served. Shield or no shield. And justice for killing a kid should be a hell of a lot more than 6 and 3/4 years in prison and second degree murder especially when the perp lied about…
Wow, you can always count on the Fraternal Order of the Police to object to any steps to hold police accountable.
Great, so optimistically we’re looking at 5+ years before we get some truth about Joshua Brown’s death, if at all?
It’s amazing how many modern problems can be traced back to imperialist bullshit following the end of WWI. Sometimes studying history is really infuriating, because you see so much stupidity repeating itself.
Yep, one of my friends pointed that out when I posted about it on FB. I forgot about Iran.
I remember reading years ago, I’ll have to see if I can find a source, that it is not unusual for a rape survivor to have subsequent sexual encounters with their rapist, if the rapist is someone they know, as a coping mechanism in a attempt to rationalize what happened.
Really, I couldn’t stop laughing. Like does he mean all the women he fucked while married are supposed to have a pack amongst themselves to keep quiet? He’s just pissed he got fired, had to give his wife half of the money, everyone hates him and he can’t get laid. LOL. What a fucking wanker. He needs to shut the fuck…
If there were subsequent encounters, I seriously doubt they were truly “consensual.” I think it’s far more likely any subsequent encounters came about through perceived or blatant coercion about what would happen to her career if she didn’t acquiesce.
It’s like arguing men can’t rape their wives. It’s insane.
Yeah, shared responsibility to whom, exactly? They have no responsibility to his family. He’s the one who took the vows and made the commitment, which he then broke. And if the women he cheated with had made and broken their own family commitments, that’s no concern of his.
I love how people think that if she had a consensual (and I’m using that term with hesitation) affair with him later on that makes the first time not rape. If you're saying you just don't believe her, that's one thing (and it's problematic because there are people who later consent to sex with someone who previously…
“For two years, the women with whom I had extramarital relationships have abandoned shared responsibility”
What about all those other accusations, Matt? “The guy with a door locking device hidden underneath his desk” is not the most credible person to make the “I’m not a creep, she’s the creep!” argument.