Well, when your shit is next level obviously anything else is a legacy poop.
Well, when your shit is next level obviously anything else is a legacy poop.
Ha exactly. And the best part is that a good number of the Teslarati are too broke to even afford one (I know several).
1 - population density, I have no idea how the numbers look on a per capita basis - but I do agree that the state is in a bad spot right now
Its criminal seeing how badly it’s all been mismanaged. Also looking at what other developed countries have been doing to keep their economies afloat during this pandemic it’s crazy that we still keep talking about the measly $600 as STIMULUS like it’s some kind of favor/freebie the government is giving people to be…
Yeah the whole schtick that they “circulate 100% of the plane’s air with fresh outside air every X minutes” is utter garbage. They may very well circulate a volume of air equivalent to the total air in the cabin, but that in no way means that every bit of actual air in the cabin is getting circulated out and replaced…
Yeah testing is really tricky given how unreliable they can be especially early on after infection. It’s a good step, but if people are adamant about getting together the best thing to do (at least if living locally or within driving distance) is for all parties attending to agree to strictly isolate for 10-14 days…
It’s frankly too late for the government to do this here in the US. Yes they, absolutely should - but the message all the way from the top down has been a mess. They screwed this up from Day 1 just purely from the messaging angle, nevermind any actual rules. Imagine if the MAGA crowd today was going around wearing…
The outright denial was a fringe belief for a long time. For the most part they were pushing against hard government restrictions in fighting it, and instead wanted market based solutions (carbon credits, cap and trade, etc.). Trump certainly didn’t invent the denial - but he has ensured that is part of their…
You seem to be confusing reality with conspiracy. Obama never promised that solar and wind in their current state will meet our future energy needs - but he is right that we should invest in these technologies to improve them. It is a fact that our current reliance on oil is not sustainable - at the very least we need…
Yup. I don’t have the time or discipline to invest in the stock market (or the money to do it at any meaningful scale) - but at the beginning of the year I dumped $3k in a free Robinhood account just for giggles.
Nice dystopian storyline you came up with there. It’s all based on this one claim you made, which unless you have any reasonable logic to base it on is nothing but hilarious fantasy -
Absolutely. If Trump can declare a national emergency to siphon off defense budgets to go build his pet project on the Southern border that can be defeated by a rope ladder, then using similar logic to get stuff done that’s actually an existential thread (and a matter of competitiveness and economic security for the…
As a BEV driver I agree with you. In addition to the point you made, PHEVs also make the most of the very limited battery resources available currently - spreading it out over more cars, instead of more range sitting unused most of the time on fewer cars.
But then the answer would come back as “tax the rich” and there’s no way that the moneyed interests that control the puppet strings would ever be down with that.
Yeah same here. My employer is trying to implement a “hybrid” model for people who don’t NEED to be on site everyday. So I’m hoping that at least WFH will be more widely accepted, so I could do so on days I don’t have face to face meetings or can handle my workload remotely, which in reality should be most days. Even…
Yeah he’s had some moments of unhingedness you can find out there, and his positions (like that of many politicians) can certainly be criticized - but the main difference is that he is capable of being a rational person and communicating coherently. Our current president - I’d be hard pressed to find ANY discussion in…
Yup exactly. Being an immigrant, and having friends and family scattered across the world this is something that strikes me about public thinking here - like we know the rest of the world exists, right? And they are dealing with the same existential and political issues that we are.
aka...”here’s half a set of floor mats”, at current dealership rates.
I think many large employers are considering this - at least they have some form of plan to try this out, but I fear it’s simply going to slide back to the olden model little by little.
Same experience with my Bolt lease. Only the state incentives were still available but GM magically found tons of cash to put on the hood that made the deal better than ever.