
Enthusiasts don’t drive automatic corvettes, especially ones not intended to be used on a track (also against that rental agreement) as a flappy paddle, posers do.

“Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party of the United States? infected as carrier or shown symptoms of COVID-19?”

If we’re talking OEM - Best, MK5 Golf GTI - Worst, middle row of a 80s/early 90's ROW Defender 110.

Start the NPR brainwashing early for best success.

Food writing is a very personality-driven genre” why though? Nobody cares what you were feeling and what the weather was when you decided to make cookies, just tell me how much flour I need.

When I took my kids to see Bumblebee last year they collectively had 13 bathroom breaks. 13. 

Stopping the sensationalist proliferation of that goddamn new term for the Asian giant hornet would be extremely helpful too.

I came here to post this clip, well done.

Did you turn around? Call 911? Chase down the SUV to at least get its plate number?

No, stop with the fake news about Hornets. They are eat honeybees, not meat. Calling them “meat-eating hornets” is just fueling even more sensationalism.

ok, but then sell this mantra to the restaurants to get off their ass to have a website that isn’t a pdf of the menu, an actual sales buy-flow and a way to get the food to us that isn’t just “pickup only”. I am all for this, but they need to meet the customer halfway. 

Damn, none of the numbers are picking up

I don’t buy that THIS is the issue causing work stoppage. This is just another stick on the burning pile.

Your stat is not true, there are a LOT more private cars in there that you state. I’d put it more at 25% or more, not 2%. Insane as that is, these are people who live in NYC (yes, even Manhattan, outer boroughs are even higher) that regularly use their own car. 

Same question. The % back isn’t everything without customer service. I have so many stories about AMEX > not AMEX that I'm not convinced.

What sane person would want this card over literally anything from American Express?

This post is a perfect example of internet garbage. 100% speculation and a total lack of facts. Putting up a post that basically can be summed up with “hey, did you hear this?” should be chastised.

I drive a RHD Defender as my daily (Stateside) along with my wife’s US-market GTI and sometimes our LR3. Switching between shifting with your left or right hand (or not shifting in the case of the D3) really isn’t the issue, nor is lane centering, that takes a week to get used to and you should be fine. The issue is

You get what you pay for.

You seem to have focused on the wrong enemy, if there’s a recliner, one is perfectly within their right to use it. Just fly frontier going forward, their seats don’t recline. Full stop.