Needs moar rebel flags.
Why dont people on drugs try to take off from the ground instead of jumping off shit?
I just had a sexual nightmare.
The trick is to order three beers right before you know youre going to be cut off.
I hope you get the help you deserve.
The truth is overrated.
And if it was nobody would notice.
Im assuming the turn signals are inoperable like on every other BMW.
Fuck these people.
Fuck heads.
Talkin bout them big ass tittays:)
They are jerking it.
He continued, “Yeah, its sad. I could buy women way hotter in all kinds of places. Latvia or Estonia for instance. Its easy, people. Ive done it.”
Youre thinking of the “Irie Lariat”.
Like anyone has ever tried to steal a Rav 4.
Yes, but did they ask Bosa Deez Nuts?
Yeah, what a nightmare, a second Holocaust really, I mean a millionaire was seen naked today.
Why are no comic characters just ugly?