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    and next week, and the two weeks before this one.

    Solomon Grundy want pants too!

    Sometimes you just gotta throw Huey on a raft.

    Glad to see a dark upending to the classic rule of threes.

    We still don't know why she didn't voice Sardonyx. Maybe it was too on the nose. :V

    Another thought occurs: you know who Bismuth reminds me of?

    Jesus H. Christ. I needed a stiff glass of vodka after that.

    Hitler's exploding head.

    Spencer: Your number's up! Monster!

    I also noticed that her hidden eye looks a little wonky now when it pops out, glad it's not just me. You can even see it when she's in awe of Stevonnie.

    We have to obey eight dot three filenames.

    Look, you're talking to the world's number one Bionic Commando fan, I've been riding a reference to one game for thirty years.

    8/3/2016 holoperl.exe Added envar DOWN_LOW=y to enable optional hi-five followups.

    He's played a lot of Rygar.

    DV does not condone the cool crime of pushing baby birds that are not yours out of nests.

    coming soon to a fan convention near you

    Please don't use the word "shattered" around us. Please use donut time instead.

    I will make Pearl stickers so you can SHARE ENCOURAGEMENT WITH YOUR FRIENDS. Two dollars a sheet!

    I still think of him primarily as Jim from Mission Hill but he was very underrated as Octus in Sym-Bionic Titan.

    I'm DJing, and a bunch of my friends from the internet are gonna be there. There's gonna be freeā€¦ glow sticks..