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    Or the more morbid alternative, their dead kid brother.

    I think Stevonnie's jump had the right amount of time, it was Jasper staring at the shield she just caught that lasted too long.

    I think he's a fine actor, as Toy Story and Galaxy Quest prove. What he's probably lacking in skill is as a writer, since both Home Improvement and Last Man Standing were both his personal projects.

    I'm not sure why Joe hadn't shown up more in television, the guy is funny as hell. He just sorta does whatever, I guess.

    More like John Hamm, methinks.

    This game is what I would call aggressively mediocre. The piano-only soundtrack starts off OK, but gets incredibly dull after an hour. Dialogue is way too flowery and complex for its own good. Add on a battle system that's drowning in confusing options and the magic generation mechanic doesn't live up to the

    She cycled through all her previous forms, which included the off-balance ones from Reformed.

    Amethyst, you've got thorny, tough whips. Pearl, your sword skills are deadly. Garnet, you're, you're… you're made of love! What more do you need?

    For you, the day Jasper graced your planet was the most important day of your life.

    Stevonnie. Sword and board. On Lion.

    I'm guessing Steven and company bought all the merch before it went away and it's just coming out of storage.

    A lot of the corrupted gem beasts only seem to fight when threatened in previous episodes as well.

    Pearl: Connie, this is a sneaking mission. Your job is to find the gems and report back.

    Look at it this way—there's a limited amount of dollars that people spend on any given day on the boardwalk. If one place sells everything and it sells that everything at lower prices, it'll upset the natural balance that differing food options play against each other.

    It's a good bookend to Maximum Capacity. Both reveal a lot of Greg's character.

    Peridot: LAZULI! I'm home from "JOB!"

    Commenter Passions of Xanxor will be happy today.

    I first knew her as Mel from Flight of the Conchords, and then she started showing up everywhere, and I'm like "Hey, it's Mel!"

    Gotcha. I learned something today.

    If this is a reference to something, I'm not getting it. Sorry. :(