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    It sounded like a fart, Lapis likes fart jokes.

    As far as the Diamond discography goes it's a solid hit.

    Man, this episode was all sorts of messed up.

    I am Neptune, God ah da sea! I sink ships and conjure up storms.

    It felt very Metroid Prime-y (in fact, the game felt like it cribbed a lot from Metroid Prime, which is a good thing) in that you can safely ignore the story if you just want to go exploring and blow shit up. However, it's all there if you want to peruse it at your leisure.

    Listen. Large women sitting in pods with a diamond shaped gem in their body is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from the cut of your gem.

    This was the episode I had been preparing myself for all week, because I knew it would be a tearjerker. Poor centipeedle. :( At least she isn't stuck in a bubble anymore and has some kind of closure until Steven can fully heal her.

    This is a very good theory.

    Today, the Diamond can't get a doomsday device, tomorrow, the Peridot! Where will it end?

    This reminds me of a joke in an episode of the Powerpuff Girls where the narrator goes "Leave that Prov alone!" and there's a guy wearing a shirt that says "PROV" and to this day I still have no idea what a Prov is.

    Jenny has gotten a lot more airtime than Kiki and more from her perspective. I would have liked a slightly different episode about Kiki but this one was still pretty good.

    That Citizen Jack logo bugs the fuck out of me. Nudge the JACK over a little bit to the right so the stems of the J and K line up with the T and N! It'll even be slightly offset along a third to move your eye! This is typography 101, people.

    Steven's rocket bone action was unbrielievable.

    Even less, as the Voyager's record is designed for 16 2/3rds RPM.

    That's probably a fair cop, you do technically need something to spin the record to play it.

    Pretty sure there's already a record player in space, it's in the Voyager space probes.

    I do read it, and I will confirm that it's great.

    Say what you will about Jeff's glitz (and that's a legit thing you could knock him on) as far as songwriting goes he's one of the best.

    They're tofu, of course.

    Richard Starkings is one of my big influences, and I learned lettering (both of the hand and computer variety) by studying his books. For dialogue text, I tend to stick to one main lettering font (except when necessary), but I will liberally use various special fonts for SFX for whatever fits the scene. Starkings