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    I've never been to Shelbyville, Kentucky but I'm sure the colonel was attracted by their interesting lemon tree.

    I prefer the <> method myself when lettering. Changing up fonts or styles should, IMO, be used sparingly, like when aliens are talking.

    You should read his autobiography, it's up for free on KFC's website… somewhere. I think he went sour on things in the seventies after he sold the business out in the mid sixties. Talk about an interesting life.

    I knew BoJack Horseman would have all the answers.

    Colonel Corps was even more batshit than Two Colonels. I have no idea how they will top that.

    It's not monopoly so much as collusion. Their agreement is basic violation of the Sherman antitrust act.

    I'd buy it as long as it comes with a various selection of swords.

    RIP Chokey Chicken.

    They seem to be drawn the same except for their hair. I'd go with identical.

    Considering the last episode was an homage to Initial D, the answer to "Is this an anime reference" in Steven is almost always "yes."

    Wouldn't be the first time Onion bogarted Steven's food.

    "Is Ronaldo owning heelies the best thing to ever happen on Steven Universe? Yes."

    Hello CD listeners,

    Gettin' it wrong don't cost nothin

    Yes. I mean, he doesn't even change his voice, it's pretty much Adam Devine doing Workaholics as a pizza.

    That's the name of the anime in Steven Universe world.

    I've been meaning to switch to a new avatar but at this point it feels like this one is linked with me. If I change to a new Pearl (or, god forbid, Peri), will people not be able to easily identify me anymore?

    KEVIN! I wanted to put my fist through the screen so much. The writers played me like a fiddle. I saw right through Kevin's fake sob story but he was such a douchenozzle that I had no idea how Stevonnie would react.

    Those State Farm commercials with Adam Devine… all I can see is Pizza Steve. Pizza Steve everywhere.

    Garnet Largegem's been doing that bit already.