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    Methinks Don Rosa doth protest too much.

    I remember as a youth trekking to Lake George to go to the Great Escape. Haven't been there in fifteen, sixteen years.

    This episode has so much to unpack. I'm sure Pearl Evangelist Sheltie is dead from a Pearl coma.

    I disagree, the original series is still perfectly fine and great; this one doesn't affect that one bit.

    I'm a hot pepper
    Hot hot hot pepper
    I'm a hot pepper
    Hot hot hot pepper pepper

    It is not more of the same, it's a completely different production staff, writers, main cast (for the girls), artists, and so on. The aesthetic, comedy, and writing style are completely different.

    In fact, forget Beach City!

    He has a bit of Professor Farnsworth in him.

    Hey Steven Crew, missed out on discussion yesterday. I don't have time to rewatch and formulate more coherent analysis, so here's DV's Dumb Points of the Day:

    Shuki Levi's bank account gets a boost.

    They were originally going to have the tan jumpsuits and there were promos and production artwork done with them, but they were indeed changed because of those reasons. Even had some animation!

    The only person who I feel sorry for in this is Eric Thurm, whose keyboard fingers will be sore from writing a new review every night.

    Oooh, oooh ooooh
    In the city, aaah aaah

    There better be Joe Walsh in this or I will be very disappointed.

    Wreck It Ralph: Rising: Revengeance

    Jordie is a great colorist. I color and letter comics (but not for a major comic publisher) and she continually blows me away in how she can refine style and do the right thing for every book she does. Without her, those books are missing half their visual style. I'm glad that market recognition is going up for


    Oh yeah? I've still got a trick or two up my sleeve. Watch, as I fire upwards through our own shields.

    Yes, that is also true, in that it more wholesale ripped off the plot instead of just taking the same general schtick and applying it to a different story (which is what Moore did on WIR).

    If you have the time, check out Tron: Uprising.