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    Just one? C'mon. Call me when GoT has a year where they have 20+ conventions for just their own fandom sprouting up a year after the show was first on the air.

    A portrait of a sad, crying clown in an iron lung…


    There is one reason, and it's the theme song.

    That one is top tier. It's up there with the one where Richard gets a job, and the pizza delivery joke is still one of their best.

    I've both attended and vended at various comic cons over the past decade. From the fan perspective, I always enjoyed going to panels and seeing people talk about things, and buying cool stuff from artists and vendors.

    Oliver, maybe you should have watched more of the show, it gets better.

    Damnit, DL again! One of these days DV will be in there, and who will DL be jealous of then, huh!?

    Visually, pretty cool, but man that voice acting is rough.

    Unfortunately there isn't anything left where you could have a well-oiled 7v7 team style match anymore. That takes dedicated players who spend a lot of time practicing together. I'm hoping that something will keep that spirit alive somewhere, and maybe Overwatch is it.

    I played plenty of Enemy Territory, but Vanilla Wolf with OSP is still my love. mp_base is the best multiplayer map probably ever.

    Not… quite. But it is a musical game. Check out an LP or something and see if it's up your alley.

    Samus is a white-level bounty hunter, she has nowhere else to go.

    Did you ever play Eternal Sonata?

    I genuinely really like the 3D game, warts and all. It has so many flaws, but like a fourth-gen F-body, it excels at the one thing it was designed to do - swing.

    This may be the closest (but not quite) successor to Return to Castle Wolfenstein's team-based MP for me.

    Another Bionic Commando would be nice. :3 But I have to come to grips with the fact that my favorite franchise for 30-ish years is back in the grave after a short revival.

    Scans are completely optional in Metroid Prime. If you don't want to read, don't use it and you can still complete the game perfectly fine! That's the beauty of how scans work, if people care they can read, otherwise they can just play as normal.

    You! You're not Sylvia! You're one of the Kung Fu Creatures on the Rampage… TWO!

    Put a one and two zeros in front of that and we got a deal!