Dustin L. Tabor

It’s you! The hero of Kvatch!

Hope she realize that SHE CAN DO THAT TOO.

The thing I liked most about Hitman which was really absent in Absolution was being able to decide where and how to kill my target. I remember one mission in the hotel room, where one of the options was either to shoot him from the sky balcony through the open window.

oh man, I forgot about those fetish nuns and the hubbub they created. I like the Hitman games, but the problem I always have is the stealth stuff isn’t really clearly laid out (in terms of rules and stuff) and I end up stealthing a good chunk...then get spotted...then just kill everything. So hopefully the sneaky

You’re right... The same species with the capability to deforest 50% of the trees on the planet in fewer than 150 years and dramatically alter ph levels of the oceans couldn’t POSSIBLY affect the global ecosystem...

I think it’s kind of ignorant to think that we, the only species on this planet with industry and capability to clear entire forests, dump billions of tons of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, completely eliminate entire species through hunting and fishing alone, change the actual PH of the oceans, etc. could

This is possibly my favorite revelation ever in comics. It just makes so much sense at every level.

Unfortunately, they will be the ones with enough money to throw around to make people think that selling their limbs to a butcher is a good idea, and will therefore be the first ones to obtain soylent green.

So, over the course of 4.5 billion years, mass extinction went down 5 times, and we gotta change our ways before the 6th one hits? You cray cray.

Why wait?

I don’t know about any of you, but I’m going to start eating rich people if things get out of hand.

Fun fact, in the Marvel Universe, Jack Kirby is God.

Meh. Rosa Parks broke the law too. Doesn’t mean something positive can’t come from it.

What was considered good in 1991 most definitely isn’t considered good today. Time to redesign the redesign.

All three of these concepts is better than what she ended up with. On one hand, I am happy to do away with skimpy swimsuits, but on the other, this new armored look the shoulder pads and the blade on this new costume is so '90s and unrealistic. I realize we're talking about a fictional go here, but these being are

Someone already mentioned Harry Potter, so I’ll add this one. Well the whole series really. I really liked the whole concept of Speeaker for the Dead. And one of the things that really stuck with me was the importance of accepting others even if they are different.

He’s Marvel’s mascot, and their most prominent teen hero. What do you think?