
I see the colonies are going where the mighty Empire has already been....

To be fair, the Mini was a pig to build. Incredibly tightly packaged (have you even worked on one? I have the dents in the soft spot of my head to prove I did!) and with a body that was basically hand welded together piece by piece.


"Understeer in CinemaScope".

One day Jennifer Hale is going to be my wife. She's number 1 on my future wives list....

Seriously, if you a comparing a Fiat 500 Abarth and a Civic objectively, then the Civic is most definitely your car.

It looks like Barbara Streisand.

You will get the premium back in residual value when you go to sell. Purchase price is not the only cost to consider when running a car.

That would be one of the great man's Preludes in the background. Note the aftermarket wheels and tyres.

Also, no love for Jerry Seinfeld or Stirling Moss?

"I find it hard to believe none of them was qualified" - Lee Iaccoca. i can't remember who he said it about, but it was in response to the first jewish appointment at the top of one of the big 3.

Unlikely, I think 159 production has now ended, although the replacement is not due out until 2013.

It's increasingly non-cost effective for the volumes they are selling (less than 20,000) per year.

Before you get all misty eyed about the stuff you could import from the UK, let me offer two words of advice. Don't bother.

Rover 800 Coupe - Baaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahah... *breathe* bahahahahahahahahahaha *holds head in hands*

The introduction of the Quattro and the introduction of Group B were completely unrelated events. The reason no one else had tried 4WD was because of the weight and complication. Remember the World Championship was won as late as 1981 by a RWD MkII Ford Escort. The Quattro appeared in 1980 but wasn't winning

The Sea Harrier performed brilliantly in the Falklands conflict of 1982. 23 kills for no air losses.

Well if it keeps scruffy oiks and the lower orders out of Porsches when I may one day deign to own one again, I'm all fucking for it.

Apparently not. In the recent issue of Car where they tested the MP4-12C or whatever the hell it's called Jenson Button said Ron Dennis was adamant he had to pay for his and it wouldn't be included in any sort of salary package.